These sporting rules (hereinafter the Rules) apply to all participants in the Event. They are an integral part of the General Terms of Sale mentioned above. In the event of a conflict between the General Terms of Sale, the provisions of the Rules prevail.

The rules described hereinafter are intended to be final.

The rules can be updated and amended at any time. The version of the rules that are applied on the day of the Event will remain valid for the entirety of the Event. Failure to comply with any of the rules will result in an official warning or penalty, which could include a rider’s disqualification in certain circumstances.

The interpretation of the rules during the race by the Commissaires, in consultation with the organizer, will be final and binding on all Race participants.


L'Etape Bulgaria by Tour de France is a cycling event that will take place on August 10th, 2025, Sunday, on a route in the town of Peshtera and Batak city region (hereinafter referred to as the "Event"). The race will be timed and take place on roads closed to traffic. The event route covers around 58 kilometers of roads, with participants in the long distance doing a second lap of the course. Details of the route will be presented on the event website and social media.


To take part in the Event, you must be at least seventeen years old (17 years old) at the latest on the 9th of August 2025.

The Participants can compete in the following age categories:



Year of birth

M1 / W1

17 - 39

2008 – 1986

M2 / W2

40 - 49

1985 – 1976

M3 / W3

50 - 59

1975 – 1966

M4 / W4

60 +

1965 – and later

(*age of the participant to 31st December 2025)

Family Ride (Noncompetition Event): Boys and Girls with their adult/s parent/s. Open to all age categories.

Kids Race: Group 1( 04 – 07 years old.) Group 2(07 – 11 years old.)

Kids will be starting according to their age group (1 or 2), boys and girls individually.

At the end of the Event, several rankings will be established and rewarded:

  • Individual Ranking: The winner is the male and female cyclist with the best (shortest) time to reach the finish line. The winner on the long course gets a yellow jersey.
  • Sprinters Ranking: The winner is the male and female competitor who completes the sprinter challenge section in the shortest time over the two laps. The winner on the long course gets a green jersey. In the event of a tie, the following rules apply: 1. Number of first places in the activity premium  2. Final individual ranking

  • Climbers Ranking: The winner is the male and female cyclist who passed the section concerning the climbers' premium in a minimally short time. The premium is in the same place and is passed through both rounds. The winner on the long course gets the polka dot jersey. In the event of an equal number of points, the following rules apply 1. Number of first places in the climbers' award. 2. Final individual ranking
  • Best Young Rider: The winner will be the male and female cyclist who crosses the finish line in the shortest time and who is 23 years of age or younger on 12/31/2024 (born in 2002 or later -young). The winner on the long course gets the white jersey.
  • Team ranking. It is formed by the sum of the times of the first three competitors from each team regardless of age group. In case of a tie, the place of the best competitor in the individual classification is taken into account.
  • Ranking age categories: The first three competitors with the best times in their age category will receive cups, medals, and material awards from the organizer and partners of the competition

Riders are reminded that checks will be carried out during the Event to ensure that it takes place according to these rules, in particular, according to the terms relating to age and medical certificates.


By participating in the Event, you are participating in one of the sporting events organized or approved by sports federations. Consequently, your participation is subject to the compulsory presentation of
•    A valid BCF license (Bulgarian Cycling Federation); 
•    A valid National Federation license (by any Cycling Federation which is affiliated with the UCI); 
•    Оr, for those who do not hold such a license and who are eligible to take part in these competitions, presentation of a medical certificate alone or its copy, issued by a Personal or General Practitioner. 
Mandatory wording in the medical certificate: "No contraindications for participating in cycling competitions." А 
template of the certificate you could download from HERE
Foreign license holders must provide a medical certificate stating that there are no contraindications for them to take part in cycling competitions, even if they are holders of a competition license issued by a federation that is affiliated with UCI. 
This certificate must be dated and signed, and allow the authentication of the doctor, whether the latter is based in Bulgaria or not. If the doctor is foreign, the medical certificate must be drawn up in one of the following languages: English, or Bulgarian. 
Checks on the authenticity of medical certificates and licenses will be carried out on-site. Participants must be able to provide these items when they collect their race numbers or during the Event. 


Race numbers as well as timing chips must be collected, upon presentation of the following: 

  • Your license or medical certificate that meets the aforementioned terms 
  • Your insurance covers an accident by you or third parties during a cycling sporting event.
  • Your notification letter can be downloaded on your time to account and/or sent by email before the Event. 
  • Your proof of identity.

Race numbers can only be collected in the dedicated area in the Event Village on Friday 8th August and Saturday 9th August 2025 from 10 am to 7 pm at the Event Village: in Peshtera City Center.
The allocation of race numbers is firm and definitive. Race numbers cannot be sent by post or sent on the day of the Event. 
The race number must be placed on your back and the plate on the front of the bike will be mandatory to access the departure area and must remain completely visible throughout the race, including in the event of bad weather.


Registrations for the Event may only be done on the registration platform since the registration is open.
Any person who wishes to participate in the Event accepts to sign up as a member of the registration platform beforehand. 
As a result, the participant must fill in the registration form and accept the Terms of Use and Confidentiality Policy unconditionally. 
The participant undertakes to only fill in the information relating to their identity. 
The Organizer may arrange special offers which may give you a reduction on the price of your race number. 
All registrations to an Event are personal, final, and irrevocable, and refunds cannot be issued under any circumstances unless specifically mentioned in the Rules. 
Each registration gives rise to a race number. Race numbers cannot be transferred under any circumstances
Anyone who transfers his race number to another person will be held responsible in the event that the latter is the victim of or causes an accident during the race. 
The organization declines all responsibility should such an accident occur. 


The organization reserves the right to limit the number of race numbers available in the Event for safety reasons.

Race number prices may vary depending on your event registration date:

Early Registration window (registration opening 13.01.2025 – 31.03.2025)

  1. The Race (111km, @2140m elevation): 140 BGN / 70 Euro
  2. The Ride (58km, @1090m elevation): 120 BGN / 60 euro

General Registration window (registration opening 01.04.2025 – 30.07.2025)

  1. The Race (111km, @2140m elevation): 160 BGN / 80 euro
  2. The Ride (58km, @1090m elevation): 130 BGN / 65 euro
  3. Family Ride (5km, @50m elevation): 10BGN /5 euro (for 1persons)


Last Chance Registration window (Off-line at the Race office if numbers are available) (registration opening from 08.08.2025 – 09.08.2025)

  1. The Race (111km, @2140m elevation): 200 BGN / 100 euro
  2. The Ride (58km, @1090m elevation): 160 BGN / 80 euro
  3. Family Ride (5km, @50m elevation): 10BGN /5 euro (for 1person)


A Team Discount (of 10%) will be available, for teams with at least 5 persons

A Corporate discount could be applied on request at the contact form at the website or the following email address:

The price of the race bib is defined in the Rules. The Organizer reserves the right to organize special offers outside the price brackets, establishing special rates for a given period.

The prices of products and services are given in BGN (Lev) and Euros, including all taxes, at the rate applicable on the day of the order. The prices do not include postage costs, gift wrapping, any special offers, or personal reductions (“promotional codes”) given before the final approval of the order.

The prices consider VAT applicable on the day of the order and any changes in the legal VAT rate will automatically be reflected in the product prices displayed on time. However, prices cannot be modified once the user’s order has been placed.

In terms of products and services bought from third parties through the Organizer, you should refer to the General Terms of Sale of the third party. The Organizer cannot be held liable in this regard.



Timing will be done using an electronic detection system. 
The route will be timed and will give rise to the final ranking. 
The ascents previously mentioned will also be timed and give rise to the best climber classification. 
The sprint zone previously mentioned will also be timed and give rise to the best sprinter classification. 
A real-time limit to cross the finish line (from the crossing of the starting line to the finish line) is defined by the Organizer according to the difficulties of the course, technical constraints, etc. The time limit schedule is written on the Road book.
Any Participant exceeding this real limit time, even if crossing the finish line, will be downgraded. All the results will be published on the Event’s official timing website.
Once the end of the race vehicle has passed by, participants must comply with the traffic regulations of Bulgaria. The traffic is allowed to be reopened at any time following the passage of the said vehicle.


Feeding/water stations are set up along the route and after the finish line for all the participants.
Several feed zones are situated along the route with products for the participants. The exact locations can be found in the information for participants and will be described in the roadbook. 
Water bottles and other objects may only be discarded in the indicated areas shortly before and after the feeding zone.
Service Points
Several self-repair service points and mechanics are situated along the route. The exact locations can be found in the information for participants. 
There is a charge for consumables and replacement parts. 



All participants will be issued with an electronic chip when they pick up their race numbers which will be automatically initialized to the start line and will track the conformity of the race at each antenna along the Event’s route and at the finish line. In order to allow the timing chip to function properly, it must not be folded or bent. Participants who do not follow the route defined by the Organizer, who use human and/or material assistance, or who cross the finish line without their electronic chip will not be recorded as having finished.

The electronic detection system has been chosen according to strict reliability requirements. Despite tests conducted by the manufacturers, a very low percentage of cases of non-detection remains. Due to the lack of information resulting from this non-detection, the Organizer may be unable to show the official or real-time for the participant concerned in the ranking. The Organizer cannot be held responsible for this.


If a participant wishes to withdraw for any reason other than injury, he should, if at all possible, do so at one of the recovery points set up by the Organizer. The participant should find the person in charge of the area, who will permanently invalidate his race number. 
Participants who use mobile devices during the race could be eliminated from the race. 
The medical service, consisting of doctors and first aiders may decide to eliminate a Participant for medical reasons. 
In order to ensure the Participants’ safety and to allow the re-opening of roads to cars to be scheduled. It is essential that Participants do not exceed the finishing time limits of the Event. 
The organizer will arrange limited transportation to the finish. However, a place in these vehicles is not guaranteed. 
The organizer does not accept any liability for damage to racing bicycles and accompanying equipment transported in the broom wagon or any other vehicle.

Road safety is managed by the L’Etape Bulgaria operation team and a local supporting safety and security team, including the police and medical service team.
They may decide to eliminate a participant for medical reasons. Under no circumstances will the Organizer be held liable by participants who have not finished their race, following a decision to eliminate that person taken by the general services.


It is strictly forbidden to bring any objects to the Event site that may be dangerous or illegal, in particular drugs, firearms, blunt weapons, and explosives. 
To access the site and take part in the event, the participant recognizes and expressly agrees that the Organizer may call upon a security personnel/policeman who will be authorized to check both people as well as inspect their personal belongings. Everyone who wishes to access the site must comply with this check. If they refuse to do so, they will not be authorized to access the site.
The Organizer and the security staff may refuse access to the Event or prevent participants from taking part if their behavior is likely to disturb the smooth running of the Event notably under the following, non-exhaustive circumstances: the use of any object that may hinder the race, the circulation and/or safety of other participants; the use of any distinctive promotion, in any form, of an opinion [political, philosophical or religious] likely to damage the image of the Event; abnormal, inappropriate or immoral behavior of the participant, in particular if they appear to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 
The Organizer will put a number of measures in place to ensure the route is safe: signage, motorbike marshals with flags indicating dangerous areas, and signs indicating sections requiring particular attention. 
The Participants must respect the safety instructions given by the Organizer’s personnel along the whole route. 
The safety measures will end at the finish line.


Starting Areas have been set up to regulate departures during the course. 
The Organizer has authorized all staff involved in the organization (volunteers, LÉtape Bulgaria operation team, etc.) present at the start site to respect the starting areas attributed to each participant. Any participant refusing to enter the starting area (or a faster area, upon decision of the Organizer) attributed to them may be issued with a time penalty or may be disqualified. 


In order to respect the environment and the natural surroundings in which the event takes place, it is strictly forbidden to leave litter (paper, plastic wrappers) on the route. Bins will be provided at all feeding zones. Participants must make use of them when disposing of waste.
Participants must hold onto their litter and wrappers and wait until they reach the places set up by the Organizer to dispose of them.
The Organizer reserves the right to award time penalties or exclude participants from the race who deliberately dispose of their waste elsewhere than in these specific areas.


Participant’s image: 
The Event may be recorded for public communication purposes, in any form (notably through photos, videos, etc.), on any existing or future media, in any format, for any communication to the public around the world, for any use, including advertising and commercial use. As such, each participant expressly grants the Organizer, its assignees, and beneficiaries (notably its commercial partners) permission to record and reproduce, on any media and using any means, and subsequently to reproduce and represent, without remuneration of any kind, their name, voice, image and, more generally, their sporting activity within the context of the Event (hereinafter their “Image”). The participant expressly authorizes the Organizer to concede to Event partners and sub-licenses for the use of the Image for commercial and advertising purposes. 
The participant gives his express and irrevocable permission for the Organizer, its delegates, and its successors (notably its commercial partners) to meet the requirements of advertising, promotional, and/or commercial campaigns, to 1) apply any modifications, additions, or deletions that it sees fit when using the participant’s image in any of the circumstances defined above, and 2) associate and/or combine the participant’s image with signatures, catchphrases, slogans, captions, brands, distinctive signs, legal notices, visuals and, in general, any element of any kind chosen by the Organizer to illustrate the means of communication in which the images are used. 
The participant guarantees that he is not bound by an exclusive contract relating to the use of his Image.
Event Images: 
Any communication of still and/or moving images of the event recorded by the participant during their participation in the Event must be restricted to personal use and may not, under any circumstances, be used for advertising and/or commercial purposes outside the Event. 


Participants are informed that: 
– On the day of the Event, remote-controlled drones may be used for the purposes of media coverage. 
– Participants may find themselves throughout all or parts of the Event. 


To ensure the safety and smooth running of the Event, all Participants must arrive at the start equipped with the following mandatory equipment: 
–  A rigid bike helmet which must be worn throughout the entire Event, 
–  A hydration system (water bottle or hydration pack filled with water)
–  A puncture repair kit 

 To ensure the safety of Participants, it is strictly forbidden to participate in the Event with the following: 

–  A bicycle equipped with any kind of extension (such as bar ends or triathlon bars)
–  An electric bicycle or electrically assisted pedal cycle. 
–   A recumbent or prone bicycle.
–   Monocycle
Therefore, bicycles, scooters, skateboards, roller skates, self-balancing transporters, etc., and wheeled. and/or motorized vehicles, in particular personal cars, are strictly forbidden on the route. 


Anti-doping controls may take place during the Event.

Participants in the Event undertake to strictly respect the ban on doping as well as the provisions concerning anti-doping tests.


If the circumstances require, the Organizer reserves the right to modify at any time the route, the position of feeding stations and timing points, to delay the event and/or times of the Event, to stop the Event once it is under way, to cancel the Event or to impose a back-up route.


Generally speaking, personal data communicated by the participants (hereinafter the “Data”) are destined for approved staff of the Organizer, which is the company responsible for processing this. 
At the end of the event, the information on your sporting performance (notably your result, your photos, and videos) will be published on the Event site. Your results, alongside your full name and region, may be picked up by any media outlet. 

By ordering a product or services relating to the Event from the Organizer, you will be required to provide certain information, particularly during your registration for the Event, in addition to the information you have communicated via a registration platform.
Some of this information may enable you to be identified, directly or indirectly, and may be considered as personal data in the sense of the applicable data protection regulation. 
Generally speaking, personal data which are communicated are destined for the Organiser’s approved staff, who are responsible for processing this information, and for any subcontractors. 
 The Organizer collects this information for specific purposes, in line with the applicable legal provisions and with your consent, notably for the purposes of: 
– Enabling the creation, management and access to your account. 
– Providing the information and services requested and, notably, to enable you to register for Events proposed on the registration platform, and to enable the sale of products and services on the registration platform.
– Enabling the processing, monitoring and management of your registration for Events. 
– Proposing personalized services regarding the information provided on your profile, and particularly advice and training programs.
– Facilitating debt collection and combating fraud.
– Enabling the management, modification and improvement of the Organizer’s products and services.
– Sending emails or publishing messages to provide you with useful information such as confirmation of your order, updates, newsletters on the Organizer’s activities. 
– Sending emails or text messages to provide you with information, announcements, or updates relating to the Event for which you have registered. 
– Collecting information, particularly through surveys, polls, or questionnaires that the Organizer sends you. 
– Ensuring compliance with applicable legal and regulatory provisions, notably in terms of medical contra-indications against participation by a participant in the Event. 
– Sending emails or text messages to inform you of other events that might be of interest, in light of the information provided on your profile. 
– Enabling the management, modification and improvement of the Organizer’s services.
– Sending emails or text messages to communicate special offers, adverts, or other commercial communications from partners of our Event. 
– Enabling participants to communicate amongst themselves. 
– Organizing lotteries and competitions and allowing you to register and take part in them. 
– Informing you of your results, sending you your certificates.
– For any other purposes specified when your data are collected. 

The Organizer may share Data about you with third parties. 
The Organizer may divulge data to its subsidiaries and affiliates, and in this case, their use is subject to the present terms. 
The Organizer may share the Data you submit to its suppliers, service providers, subcontractors or agents performing certain tasks on behalf of Sport Skills. For example, these service providers may be the hotelkeeper or the transport provider. 
 If you have ordered products or services from our partners through the Organizer, the Organizer may share your data with these partners to meet your request. These third parties may send you communications, correspondence, and emails. If you have agreed, when ordering a product or service relating to the Event, to receive communications from Event Partners, they may send you communications, correspondence, and emails. 
Finally, the Organizer may share data that you have provided to us with our suppliers, service providers, sub-contractors, or agents responsible for certain tasks on the Organizer’s behalf. For example, these providers may include the timekeeper, the race number manufacturer, and the company responsible or medical assistance.